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You're viewing Political Machine Cheat Codes

Game Name : Political Machine
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-01-12 12:22:32
Views : 20877

Change Starting Stats
After creating a candidate in the game simply text edit the file created with the name of the candidate in the DATA folder of the game directory.
This is an easy way to alter starting money, the candidate's qualities, fundraising ability, home state or starting political party.

Alternatively, if you want to edit the candidates already created in the game edit the file called CoreCandidates.CANDIDATE in the DATA folder.

Instant $5 Million
During gameplay on the campaign map, hold [Control] and press the [M] key to set your cash to $5,000,000. You can do this as many times as you want.

Increases your funds by 5 million dollars

Rally States
You can also hold [Control] and press the [R] key to rally states to the party they naturally tend to support.

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